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bike 1 mile time take

how long does it take to bike 1 mile?
To calculate this you must consider that the sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,shorter of breath and one day closer to death.Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say.
If a bike using Rotella T6 oil leaves the Chicago train Station at 8 AM and accelerates to warp 1.6, what day will it arrive at the train station in Los Angeles?
Win, Are you trying to start another oil thread?

"Can someone explain how a oil formulated for diesel engines works in a motorcycle designed for wet-clutch operation?"
I have been using T6 for years in my motos with no issues. Should I be concerned.
Win, Are you trying to start another oil thread?

"Can someone explain how a oil formulated for diesel engines works in a motorcycle designed for wet-clutch operation?"
I have been using T6 for years in my motos with no issues. Should I be concerned.
Oil ?? in a motorcycle ?? Never heard such nonsense in my life !!
Win, Are you trying to start another oil thread?

"Can someone explain how a oil formulated for diesel engines works in a motorcycle designed for wet-clutch operation?"
I have been using T6 for years in my motos with no issues. Should I be concerned.
Yes you should be concerned. Take two aspirin and don't call me in the morning!
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