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High UV Index = Bad for Your Skin


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2022
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It's definitely summer so consider this your friendly PSA.

Summer brings more ozone action days meaning high UV index. It's currently at 11 here in Houston. What do I do to protect myself when I go out riding? I try and wear high collar shirts that also cover your thumbs. No more neck burns and no more wrist burns either. I prefer the runner shirts. They're light and stretch and cover your wrists while allowing gloves over.

How about you guys?
Anything over 60º and I'm not wearing a shirt. I don't wear lotions or anything either. and I have a shaved head.

Above 85º, I'm in a vehicle with a/c.

hate the heat.
I wear full gear no matter the temperature. In the warm or hot time of the year, I'll wear mesh gear with armor. For the exposed piece of my neck, I throw on sunblock lotion.
I grew the top of my hair long to shade my scalp from the sun. Can't grow the sides out or I'll roast. Work outdoors year round. Never been sunburnt in my life and got no allergies. I watch all the healthy people around me suffer while I just live happily in the dirt 😁

Sun damage and skin cancer are real things, but don't cover up completely. Sunlight is paramount to healthy vitamin and hormone levels. We absolutely need some of it.
Living in S Florida UV exposure is year round and as a former fishing guide, many of my customers couldn't believe that I was always covered up and barely had a tan. I still had stuff frozen and cut off my skin, so yes stay out of the sun as much as possible and use good sunscreen....
Night time fishing trips in the summer were my favorite for that reason.
I go in twice a year to have pre-cancerous "stuff" either frozen or carved from my body. Mostly from my bald head, but elsewhere too. It's no fun having to strip naked to allow the doc and nurse examine me from head to toe. All because of a misspent youth on the beach.
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