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- Week Solo NEBDR ... No, scratch that, Smokey Mountain 1000 instead!

SM1K Epilogue

Part 0: Time With Friends

I had budgeted 9 solid days of riding for NEBDR, and put in for that much leave. I had used up 5 of those days on the SM1K. I also don't get to see my college buddy, Nick, enough. So, I spent a few days enjoying Chatanooga with him and his family. Breweries, distilleries, Civil War memorials, city parks, carousels, minor-league baseball... that sort of thing.


Part 1: Return Home

Soon enough though, it was time to head home.


As mentioned before, there was one last campsite from last year's riding that I needed to visit. Turns out, either nature had had enough time without someone visiting to reclaim the spot, or someone had actively come in and busted out the fire ring. Ultimately, my rock wasn't there, and the site was mostly unrecognizable.

Now vs Then:


Waze routed me through Richmond on the way home... Slightly different than the trip down.


Part 2: Damage Report

The good news on this ride is this: I did not lay the bike down. Not once. No motorcycle-naps.

My tires (Tusk D-Sport) and mousse (Neutech Nitro Mousse Platinum), however, are shot. On Day 4, I definitely noticed that braking was terrible (front and rear), and the rear end was way to eager to break loose on acceleration. My thoughts on adventure moussing can be found here: Let's Talk Mousse


The center knobs on the front are completely gone. The rear isn't completely gone... but it's throwing chunks and cracking. There's some grey sludge leaking out around the beads, when there was only clear mousse juice being pushed out before this last 1k miles. The nitro-mousse platinums are silver in color...

Oh, and that rear sprocket has seen better days. Notice the missing tooth. Overall mileage has to be around 8k... but the chain measures out fine, and the front sprocket also looks fine. Go figure.

My Tourmaster Horizon Line boots, only about 2 years old... as many miles as the tire/mousse setup... are also completely hosed. Both boot soles have split down the middle, long ways. One has a hole. Time to buy new boots... and not cheap out this time.


It was also time to wash/oil the Twin-Air filter. This is after MABDR, a few other trips, and the SM1K. Fairly easy process.

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