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Who's on TikTok?


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2022
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Whatever feelings you may have toward TikTok, thing is, it's here to stay. Most of the videos you see on Insta or Facebook come from TikTok. All the short videos that are inserted into You Tube come from TikTok. And it's got some really good stuff once your algorithm adjusts to the things you enjoy. Lots and lots of motorcycle stuff but lots of anything.

Check it out:

I'm not on Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter, or whatever the social media of the day is. I have no intention of getting on any of those sites as I already spend too much time online. I am on Facebook but mostly I spend time on motorcycle forums.
Okay, so how about we make this a "digest" and post the best? Or what we think the best is anyway.
Just a couple things that aggravate me about all the nimrods on social media who do bike videos:

"Will it run?" - seriously??? of course it will, it doesn't matter if it sat for 100 years, it can be brought back to life with enough work. Stop it already.

Everyone is an expert, their videos say so. - Yeah, Common Motor (among many others, don't get me wrong) has made a living out of selling backyard methods to n00bs despite them having the Honda FSMs right there on their own website for download. They think THEY know better than the factory full of engineers who designed and built these bikes before these guys were born while also building some of the greatest road racing engines of all time for the era 60 years ago, but somehow they "teach" that points gap doesn't matter, that the factory valve lash settings are "too tight and cause excess wear" and that lapping valves with a drill is good among many other misguided methods. I've seen so many videos using the worst methods of disassembly known to man (hammer and putty knife prying apart the cam bearings and valve components on Honda top ends BEFORE breaking the cam chain and removing the head) yet these videos have thousands of views or more.

Give me a break.
Just a couple things that aggravate me about all the nimrods on social media who do bike videos:

"Will it run?" - seriously??? of course it will, it doesn't matter if it sat for 100 years, it can be brought back to life with enough work. Stop it already.

Everyone is an expert, their videos say so. - Yeah, Common Motor (among many others, don't get me wrong) has made a living out of selling backyard methods to n00bs despite them having the Honda FSMs right there on their own website for download. They think THEY know better than the factory full of engineers who designed and built these bikes before these guys were born while also building some of the greatest road racing engines of all time for the era 60 years ago, but somehow they "teach" that points gap doesn't matter, that the factory valve lash settings are "too tight and cause excess wear" and that lapping valves with a drill is good among many other misguided methods. I've seen so many videos using the worst methods of disassembly known to man (hammer and putty knife prying apart the cam bearings and valve components on Honda top ends BEFORE breaking the cam chain and removing the head) yet these videos have thousands of views or more.

Give me a break.
It's all about perception. Everybody's an actor now.
I thought Who was on first. Fuck TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, all of them.

the only social media I get is this. It can answer any question

Everybody's an actor now.
And most of them very poor at it.

I watched a shameless plug video about a carb conversion on a 350 yesterday where the guy glossed over the challenges of it while saying how simple it was to do and how it would unlock more performance out of the bike with no other mods, and at the end he wrapped it up without ever putting the air cleaners back on, without test riding it or even getting the idle set as well as it should have been.
When I need to know something about my motorcycles I'll ask on here and the "other" site. There's people that have/will help me out. Bunch of those guys are Sharp.

To name a few, but will probably leave some out, JVB, Jim Moore, GSAddict ,steptoe, lewisjr1, Paul Burton and more.

Haven't used much other "web".
The internet and social media, like life, are what you make of it. You can find things you enjoy and simply ignore the stuff you don't like.

TikTok is "evil" because "China uses it to spy on you!" Yeah? Well, if you're on a cellphone or the internet at all you've been spied on for a long time. What do I care if China reads my texts? They are free to read how shitty I think their govt treats their people.
This is the last bit of social media I have.

Well, a fake FB account with no friend or pictures. Use that strictly for buying/selling.
Thats about me too, Just FB marketplace handy at times , i wanted a child gate ( got one 10 miles away for free) to stop the puppy i got in the summer leaving the conservatory and entering the house it made keeping an eye on him and spotting when he need to go out eassier and he house trained quick as a result. so facebok has its good part The marketplace.
Apart from that the groups are pointles from my point of view too broad in nature not as Ordered as a forum layput with sections etc just one big rambling post count and anything interesting needing way too much scrolling etc. then you got the other posters dinner plate pictures piled high with meat and roast potatoes with lashings of gravy. ( So you eat food you cretin who acctualy gives a shit anyway ).
Old people staying in touch on facebook its more for grandad and grandma chatting to the small grandchild than a technical isuzu 4JJ diesel engine board.
Insta is about look at my .. Cute dod Girfriends tits Luminous green Hyundai Coupe with Lowered suspension or look at me I am so good ETC.
Tik tok the snap chat ewtc is IMO just pointless, any video content is too Little and Rather lightweight and Devoid of real info and detail, its short term vissual and audible insparation only and just gets in the way on youtube.
Speaking of youtube that getting worse and worse, there constant adds and extortionate add free fees are ruining what was for years an ok platform.
Forums are not recovering that well and a new better video media platform like youtube could have been would be good, but for now its wade through the acres of mud feeling about with your toes and every now and then you find an informative interesting or entertaining video produced by some body who has a brain and knows what they are talking about and whatever that might be is acctualy worth sharing.
No that rules out all the afore said Facebooks insta Snap chat tik tok etc.
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