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R1 discontinued

That my quite possibly be my last Yamaha.
I know you're saying that Yamaha just isn't producing anything that interests you. That's understandable. I thought I'd always be a Honda guy, but reliability issues drove me away. Always interesting to me to see what's considered fact by internet wisdom compared to people's actual experiences. Judging by your post history here and your appreciation for "small" bikes I can see why you wouldn't be interested in Yamaha models these days.

I'm in a weird place (apparently ) where I don't like or want a sport bike either, but I'm a sucker for s torquey engine. Big block UJM for me. Yamaha put some strong engines in some light bikes with the FZ/MT line up. Marketing is powerful.

FJ09= smooth, quiet but powerful Grandpa tourer.

Exact same bike minus fairings and detachable luggage... MT09= OmG, iT's SuCh A HoOLiGaN!
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