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Motorcycle salespeople who don't know what they're selling. I had a sales manager tell me that BMW was advertising a particular MSRP and then was charging more. I told him the MSRP included a package and that's why it was more than the base price. He wouldn't have it. Oh and the sales guy said the bike was coming straight from Germany when it's made in India. D'oh.
Probably the qui
I'll give it a shot and report back!
Research "grounding" my first mid life retirement I spent half the day barefoot. And definitely barefoot star gazing at night. Never felt better in my life. I had spent a decade in chemicals and stress. So I needed some heel time...
Make analog common again!
What you don't want a circuit board getting beat to death on your expensive washing machine. And my toaster works so much better with a programmable chip

The best was my mom asked me to fix her cordless vacuum. OK.. DC battery and an AC motor.
Currently talking to a company I worked for between 2010 and summer of 2014. If all goes well, I could be back in SW WA by the end of Fall. I've always known I would go back some day. Pay hike will be a substantial one and maybe within 8 years I'll be able to buy a plot of land and put a modular home on it.
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