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Scooter Girls

Consider it as motivation to never darken the seat of one of those.

Helen still looks ready to ride.

What edge? Your edge? You appear to be the most prudish European I have ever met.

I'll tell you what, I'll stop responding if you do. I'll even give you the last word, because I am a grown up.

The line has been defined here: https://advbikes.com/help/rules-and-code-of-conduct/

Prudish is something i've never been accused of. But I may raise objections to needless sexualised objectification. <- That and consequences is a complex subject but far beyond reasonable discussion in this forum.

Make up your mind. You are demanding the final word. Or not! Gaslighting. Classic narcissistic behaviour, but from a a quick background check that is to be expected.
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[UWSL]Make up your mind. You are demanding the final word. Or not! Gaslighting. Classic narcissistic behaviour, but from a quick background check that is to be expected.[/UWSL]
Stalking old men who post to internet sites isn’t a good look. Seriously, take a break. Or better yet, post a picture of a gal actually riding a fucking scooter.
Take your toys out to the sandbox and dong each other over the head with them, children.
The grown ups are getting sick of your stupid, petty squabbling.
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