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Mercury thermometers were banned in most countries/states years ago due to toxicity.
I remember playing with mercury we got from a large old thermometer way back when kids were allowed ecouraged to explore, get dirty, and gain some common sense. And you know, I still don't drink tea so maybe the stuff isn't quite a dangerous and scary as it's supposed to be. But, to be honest I do enjoy playing in 80MpH traffic on 2 wheels so maybe.......:happay
I remember playing with mercury we got from a large old thermometer way back when kids were allowed ecouraged to explore, get dirty, and gain some common sense. And you know, I still don't drink tea so maybe the stuff isn't quite a dangerous and scary as it's supposed to be. But, to be honest I do enjoy playing in 80MpH traffic on 2 wheels so maybe.......:happay

My father was a science teacher and would occasionally bring a vial of mercury home for us to pour out on the dining room table and play with.

In JR High science lab we also played with mercury

And we drank from water hoses.

Must Explain Sumti'n

Yeah, I played with mercury, ran wild, drank water from hoses and streams, owned guns from the age of 7, rode motorbikes without any of the gear any of the time and guess what? I'm still here at nearly 68. Without blowing my own trumpet too much I'm also fitter and healthier than most of the people I see who are half my age and haven't done anything they think is risky in their entire lives.

Maybe drinking out of a hose and playing with mercury is a healthier lifestyle than not exercising, drugs, binging alcohol and overeating after all?? Who knew?? lol.

Meanwhile here's a pic (not me lol) ...

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