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Rant About Your Day Here!


Class Clown
Feb 7, 2022
Member Number
Hatfield MI
I’ll start (of course I have one, otherwise I wouldn’t be starting this thread :lol2).

Fucking LTL truck drivers are getting shittier by the second. Half the time they don’t even have a pallet jack anymore. Are jacks hard to come by now a days? Probably because of the chip shortage.

Today’s guy has no pallet jack so I offer to lift ours up for him. “You want me to get up there? I just turn left and turn right, I don’t move stuff.” WTF? I’ve never had a driver not move pallets in his own truck.

I know, cool story bro and 🎻. :lol2:D

What ticked you off today? I got my little violin waiting! :D
When I started in the trucking industry almost 20 years ago, the day cabbers were revered. Nowadays the LTL companies will hire any idiot with a pulse, class A CDL, proper endorsements, willingness to suck company dick, and drink their kool-aid. They drive like shit, can't figure out where their fucking lane is, drive with the high beams on, won't get the fuck out of the left lane for whatever reason, move over waaaaaaaaay too fucking soon to make a 20 mile long pass, and don't pay enough attention. It's even more comical when you have 2 Saia drivers driving at matched speeds because the moron who decided to pass their coworker can't make a pass and doesn't want to back off. Most of these dipshits on the road drive like Nigerians pulling Amazon trailers. With longhaul trucking, the SuperEgo, Amazon tuggers, and any given foreign owned firm's drivers are the ones you have to keep an eye on. The Mohammad variety drivers will all be of the same name and have one CDL for all of them when packed into a sleeper berth.

The night was relatively uneventful. Got some snow overnight and all the inexperienced drivers were mobbing along at 20mph on BARE & WET pavement. I hate road salt. It gunks up the windows and mirrors.
People who encase their HVAC equipment in cutesy little closets and then get mad that I charge extra to work on it.

The hole is smaller than the unit that has to come out. You know what I have to do, and I'm not a carpenter/drywall guy/painter. Don't act shocked. Go put your microwave under your couch and see how long it takes for that shit to get old.


First job I had when I moved to PA was pumping out septic tanks. People really seem to think waiting 10 years to get theirs pumped is going to save them money. It won't! If it takes an hour or longer to do a simple pump job, your ass is getting a bill for 2 or more pump jobs. It won't save you money if the wastewater guy/gal has to take a fucking pick axe or shovel to break up the shit that has turned almost into concrete. If you get yours pumped every 3'ish years, the job should only take half an hour at the most. The wealthy shitheads trust fund babies are the biggest cheapskates and complain when the cheapest option doesn't do the greatest job. They go on to hire a premium outfit and complain about the pricing and try to get out of paying. They always lose.
People who encase their HVAC equipment in cutesy little closets and then get mad that I charge extra to work on it.

The hole is smaller than the unit that has to come out. You know what I have to do, and I'm not a carpenter/drywall guy/painter. Don't act shocked. Go put your microwave under your couch and see how long it takes for that shit to get old.


Laughing too hard..haha then my mom wants a ring camera..the dam transformer was in the cute little closet! Fuck builders!
First job I had when I moved to PA was pumping out septic tanks. People really seem to think waiting 10 years to get theirs pumped is going to save them money. It won't! If it takes an hour or longer to do a simple pump job, your ass is getting a bill for 2 or more pump jobs. It won't save you money if the wastewater guy/gal has to take a fucking pick axe or shovel to break up the shit that has turned almost into concrete. If you get yours pumped every 3'ish years, the job should only take half an hour at the most. The wealthy shitheads trust fund babies are the biggest cheapskates and complain when the cheapest option doesn't do the greatest job. They go on to hire a premium outfit and complain about the pricing and try to get out of paying. They always lose.
They didn't know sodium hydroxide is needed on non leach block tanks. Whoops loss of technology! Neighborhood was full of these systems. I had aeration with my own problems.
People who encase their HVAC equipment in cutesy little closets and then get mad that I charge extra to work on it.

The hole is smaller than the unit that has to come out. You know what I have to do, and I'm not a carpenter/drywall guy/painter. Don't act shocked. Go put your microwave under your couch and see how long it takes for that shit to get old.


I slept in this morning until almost 9:00.... then I had a leisurely breakfast in front of the computer while I finished my Christmas shopping.... then I watched a bit of YouTube. At noon I took the dog for his 3 mile walk. Got back and had lunch. Watched some more YouTube (it's winter... not much else to do).

Got ambitious and put the new license plate on the 4Runner, and then made a quick run to the bank.

Next thing you know, it's 5:00 and my day is over..... retirement does NOT suck! :lol3

On the rant side...I am struggling with a slight cold. :bluduh
It was cold riding to work. And my right glove liner got really jumbled up. I might cut the liners out!
Fuckin' snow! Only about 6 more months of this shit before I can ride again. I gotta move.
But at least you're allowed to ride a bicycle .... :lol3
Looked up your town on wikipedia and saw that there was a ban on them until overruled by the state supreme court.... town council a bit :loco ??
But at least you're allowed to ride a bicycle .... :lol3
Looked up your town on wikipedia and saw that there was a ban on them until overruled by the state supreme court.... town council a bit :loco ??
The local edicts in CO are something else. It's really no wonder Merv Heemeyer became the man and machine forever known as KILLDOZER. Californians have also ruined what once was a great state to live in. CO's downfall started once marijuana became legal. It opened the floodgates for people all over the place to come in and turn the state into a goblin den.
Looked up your town on wikipedia and saw that there was a ban on them until overruled by the state supreme court.... town council a bit :loco ??
Not at all - our town sidewalks - both of them - are crowded with drunk, old people staggering outta of the casinos. Bikes were running them over and we had a lot of issues. The town has built a very nice off road bicycle trail just outside of town for the bicyclists so that they don't come into town much anymore. Now everyone is happy. I live about 10 miles out of town so it doesn't affect me either way.
Not at all - our town sidewalks - both of them - are crowded with drunk, old people staggering outta of the casinos. Bikes were running them over and we had a lot of issues. The town has built a very nice off road bicycle trail just outside of town for the bicyclists so that they don't come into town much anymore. Now everyone is happy. I live about 10 miles out of town so it doesn't affect me either way.
I was one of those a few months ago. What I remember of that town was pretty cool! :-)
So....after gloating the other day about having no real rant, karma reared it's ugly head. :bluduh

So... last night the wife informs me the kitchen sink is clogged again. This has been an ongoing issue for the past few years.... after 2+ decades of her putting anything she can think of down the drain. :fpalm

I run to the hardware store yesterday and buy some really toxic drain cleaner stuff and pour it in the sink. I let it sit for an hour and then go to run a bunch of hot water down the drain.... same thing I always do. Hmmm? It's not going down. Well that sucks!

It's getting late and I figure off to bed and the drain elves will come during the night and fix it for me. Darn elves! It still wasn't fixed this morning. And the water level had not dropped at all.

I should explain that this sink has a 50+ foot long run to the septic and very little drop. It's essentially designed to cause issues. There is one clean out at a 90 degree bend about 35' into the run.

Off to hardware store to rent their 50' drain snake. I get home and it's too big to fit around the bends ( that's what she said!). Back to the hardware store and since it's only been about 20 minutes, they don't charge me rental.

Then I spend the next hour hitting all of the hardware stores in town looking for a snake that should work. I finally find one and head back home.

I first run it through the clean out and hit the last 15-20 feet of the drain. All good. I then head upstairs and pull the trap apart under the sink. Remember the really toxic drain cleaner from the night before? This proceeds to leave burn marks in my forearm as I pull it all apart.

I finally get everything apart and start feeding my shiny new snake down the drain. It's a struggle, but I finally make it around three 90 degree bends and into the 30' long straight run. It goes smoothly for all of three feet and then jams up. It won't go forward........... and now it won't come out either. :doh
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