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What's for dinner? Or lunch? Breakfast?

meh, overall we feel better now for sure, not out of the woods yet.

Headed back to DR in the Morning.
1/4 cup of honey and cuss out some wanna bees. Wife worked at a covid Hotspot. Small town I could not get sick for 2yrs....or everyone would have excommunicated me
Uncured Ham, fresh mushrooms, eggs and potatoes

Farm Food

Doc Said to eat 2 golden eggs a day and I'll recover from COVID soon enough.

Sage advise I plan to follow for the next 40 years.

Working next to a Taco Bell today so made crunch wraps for me and the baby tonight. Still learning what she can and can't tolerate after evicting her gallbladder for bad behavior, so pretty easy on the seasonings tonight.
I've just finished the 3.30am feeding of the menagerie - there is four of them wandering in for the pre breakfast now. This morning scrambled egg, cheese, tomato on toasted rye and they wasted no time. Stone fruit, berries and banana salad from the freezer with a dob of unsweetened yoghurt when there was no more. They like dessert for breakfast and it is not a bowl of sugary crap so I have no problem giving it to them when they want it.
They have gone back to bed now. Cook will come in to make them breakfast in a couple of hours.
This morning's breakfast, mine after the children's breakfast ended up being a jumbalaia reheat on rye toast. Cook makes each batch sufficiently different I can have that every morning without getting bored.
Thursday is pizza and pasta day. By the time I got back from my morning ride Cook had a dish of Lasagna prepared. Yum! If we want a decent Lasagna it has to be home made and for my Italian cook it is a point of national pride to be exceptional. Post ride refuel and she packed seven more for lunch during this morning's flight. One for the operations manager who always appreciates her cooking.
Dinner was five flavours of pizza and a shared bottle of red. You'd think the children are never fed the way they devour everything in sight. It is a beautiful thing.
It is a good thing I get a lot of exercise because Thursday's are always packed with a lot of calories.
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