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Rant About Your Day Here!

I hear you. At my wife's job, one of the clinicians is a black guy and he refused to take on a white patient. A guy trying to get off meth and fix his life. WTF. Help the man. The clinician's reason for refusing the customer was, " he lives in a rural area so he's racist. I don't have to tolerate that"

My wife was livid. The company itself and all it's employees are in a rural area. Who the fuck do you think you are? And why the fuck you think you can talk to my wife like that?

On a random day off I dropped by my wife's work and took her to lunch as a surprise. Had a quick chat with that fella while wifey was getting her stuff together. He don't work there anymore.
Almost 2 years ago, I suffered a major league concussion after a hard, heavy sparring session with a HW Dutch Kickboxer at my gym. He was training for a fight and needed somebody who can stand and bang with him. I was the only HW there who was also a southpaw. His opponent was the same. At any rate, I went to the county hospital. All the people being seen for seemingly minor things were being dealt with immediately. There was a kid in the ER waiting room with a nasty gash from the top of his head own to his upper lip. Kid was bleeding. His mother was pleading for help. Blood was all over the chairs, the white towels he was given were soaked, and the kid was having a difficult time keeping awake. Doctors, nurses, everybody else ignored him and kept calling names of people who weren't white. I was in the waiting room for 6hrs while not a single person came out and took my vitals. I left soon after. I don't know what became of the kid. The hospital used to be a solid 4 out of 5 stars hospital. Since it was bought out by some equity firm 3 years ago, the quality of care has gone downhill in a hurry. One of their head doctors was on the news 2 years ago about the racial preferences and the need to see non-whites as a priority....because of oppression or whatever. These people are insane.

What pisses me off the most are the self-hating white cucks who go along with it. They seriously don't realize claiming "ally" status isn't going to save them once the race riots begin. I've lived through the Rodney King riot and saw how quickly supposed friends would turn on their non-white former friends once the opportunity was there. Yes, I was attacked for being the wrong skin color. I'm not going to waste any ammunition, time, or energy helping self-loathing white cucks. They're on their own.
I’m tired of nobody being on fucking time anymore. Everyone looks at these God forsaken phones every two seconds. There’s no excuse to not know what time it is.

I was Attendance Control (800 'ees) for a few years.
It never ceased to amaze me how many excuses folks had for being late for work - but never their own fault.
How did you enforce it? A whacking stick? That's the best idea I have come up with so far...

We had one guy years ago who's dog barfed on his bed at least every couple of weeks. Apparently that's an all day affair to clean up.

What were some of your "favorites"? :lol3
Uhh reward on time perfect attendance..ya right no penalty for tardiness and no reward for on time there every day.
How did you enforce it? A whacking stick? That's the best idea I have come up with so far...

We had one guy years ago who's dog barfed on his bed at least every couple of weeks. Apparently that's an all day affair to clean up.

1. Official Discussion
2. Letter of Warning
3. 7 Day Suspension
4. 14 Day Suspension
5. Termination

There were at minimum 3-5 violations cited during a 6 month period in each action. It's hard to challenge a removal with 4 prior disciplinary actions on file, yet it always amazed me how some people never "got it" until they were handed their termination papers. I had to accept that they just didn't want to work and that decision caused everyone else to have to work harder. I had to look out for the ones who cared about their job.

Probably some of my favorites were the folks who used every natural disaster as an excuse. Streets flooded, bridge out, etc., it always blocked access from their home. I'd listen to their explanation (and they always went into great detail), then pull out a map and show them how the so-called "disaster" didn't even affect their neighborhood. I guess they forgot that I had their addresses on file. That usually humbled them out really quick.

I was not a popular guy in some quarters, but I got along surprisingly well with the Unions.
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Thanks for the info. 👍

I hate when people have to be nannied like toddlers. 🎻
Agreed. We're all adults.

Each action included a line saying: "Continued violations may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination" along with a reference to the applicable Employee Manual or guidelines. Make sure to treat everybody equally and don't play favorites is the key.
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Termination and suspension does not work in small business. Goals and promises need to be met. So because my coworker doesn't show up I have to be 2 workers. Now you send him home and punish me again. I never get double wages and have played double worker for decades. Kinda rough and very unappreciated. Really great when over scheduled. This is the best way to lose your great employees that are bad ass.

Hiring a capable worker should be first!
You sound like an ableist, reeeeeeeeeee! Have you heard how important diversity, equity, and inclusion are in the modern workplace? Do you need to go to a re-education camp? :imaposer
Broker and driver don't care about that stuff. Drivers are diversified.....aUsually everyone is cool. Break downs and workers absent is fun. Truck will be here a few hrs at 10am...crap. Things get creative in these situations. We figure a new process and trim needless shit.
Actually being 2 workers was the time of my life. My coworkers's twin brother worked at the shop before me. I asked if anyone was ever confused. He laughed...so I set out to clone myself to being in 2 places at once. This was the greatest game ever.

We had customers enter the shop instead of the office. My coworkers barked building next door. I casually reconized their whatever request and politely guided them to the other building. Then like batman I changed hats and yanked off my service shirt. I peeked out the side door and jumped across the alley. I grabbed 2 brake assemblies heading for the front desk. "Howdy I hear you need some trailer brakes" This was epic and saved time while selling big in little time. The dam office would have called me on the intercomm anyways. But the look on customers faces was priceless. I even fooled the business owners many times. Fun out of misery
My rant is lack of a radius in machined parts. Who the heck v grooves a small pin for a set screw seat! A flat might work or a radius flat. Or heck a low profile head and hole for a small cotter on the other end. This was a bleeding green moment in a big mud hole.

Or is the v notch a planned failure for dealer work or a failure point for shift while in park.

Haha had the time of my life getting out the mudhole 3 riders hanging on a deer. Then took a battery side grinder to relief the aluminum! housing for quick pin replacement.

They don’t build’em like they used to. 🎻

A bunch of years after my grandma died my grandpa couldn’t stay in his house anymore. I was put in charge of cleaning up the place and getting it ready to sell. I kept some of the best stuff. I think about that every time I use any of that stuff. A pair of scissors for example. They were the typical shears back then but today they are more robust than the tin snips you’d find in most stores.

I miss my grandparents. 🎻
I miss mine too. And my dad..Everyone ran sacked my mom's dad tools and left me with 150lbs of specialty chisels, drifts, curved files..ect I was in heaven.they got all the Starrett indicators, mics and anything with ebay value and I was left a rusty legacy of master tools that could do anything. While telling the true story of who would grind a chisel like that. Curved round files are gold for 2 stroke port work.

I really thought about this pin. The set screw pressure in both static and dynamic would break this pin. Best to barely torque the set screw and maybe even back out a 1/4 turn with blue lock tight. This has to be the stupidest shit ever besides Ford f150 fuse boxes after the 90s.
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It snowed a little where I am. It's a solid rain-snow mix now and the road are very slippery. I decided to take the night off from work.
If there was an app called "Your Brain," people might start using it.

5 days ago I got food poisoning from tainted muscles and the last 4 days of my vacation I was room bound in Cascais. At least I had a view.


Then, yesterday we flew home. We had a connection from Lisbon to Newark to DC Reagan. The Lisbon plane was delayed an hour for weather, so we missed our connection in Newark. Rebooked for 7PM to make it to Dulles by 7:30, home by 9. The 7PM flight was then delayed to 11:00PM to get home by 1AM. But then it was delayed again for 30 minutes to get us home at 2AM. With the time difference we were up for 26 hours. Needless to say we were not in a good mood. Had I known, we would have just rented a car and been home by 4PM instead.
What’s a widow maker?
A branch or piece of roof tin flying at you at 70 mph. Or what ever else air velocities can have a surface tension vs to lift affect and ya know.... why we were laughing! I live in a region where "heck something has to kill ya" ..Kinda euforic and not easy to embrace sometimes...but heart warming..life is my rant!

Shh yall it is my glory!!!
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