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What's for dinner? Or lunch? Breakfast?

Gummies, candy and energy drinks.

Y'all boys need to eat some food. Like, I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but for that's how you stroke out. It's hard to ride when your left side doesn't work anymore. You guys worry me. Sent with love.

Wheat smoothie is a good one though 😁
Edited! And thank you for the concern. I can only speak for myself. And will try to eat a healthy lunch. I will post a solution next week.

I have to cook for the fam..pics will be in the other thread....thanx again
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Fancy smancy French vodka ?

Drink local ! Marshall Mathers does.....

In all fairness I spend 90% of my waking hours with a mouth full of tobacco so I've got no high horse to sit on.
I’ve never tried it but I will. I’d much rather drink American booze as opposed to some French stuff that could surrender at any moment.

And for the record I wasn’t actually drinking at work. It was just for the funny photo. I used to drink on Saturdays but I haven’t even done that in a few months.

I like the Goose because even when I’d over do it a little I never felt like shit the next day. It wasn’t just in my head either because I overdid it once and the next morning I felt hungover and was wondering why and then I remembered that I was drinking Titos instead.
What makes vodka smooth is the number of times it's distilled. 4-5 times distilled means no hangover too, unless you really over do it. Titos, Svedka, New Amsterdam are some examples. Wife is a vodka drinker. She used to be a Stoli only girl. Titos is so smooth she won't realize she's getting tipsy until it's too late. Svedka is far more reasonably priced and drinks very well too. I buy her a couple of cases of Svedka every now and then so she has it when she wants some.
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What makes vodka smooth is the number of times it's distilled. 4-5 times distilled means no hangover too, unless you really over do it. Titos, Svedka, New Amsterdam are some examples. Wife is a vodka drinker. She used to be a Stoli only girl. Titos is so smooth she won't realize she's getting tipsy until it's too late. Svedka is far more reasonably priced and drinks very well too. I buy her a couple of cases of Svedka every now and then so she has it when she wants some.
The American cheap stuff is like methanol.....eee...look out. There might be a crazy post or 2 left somewhere....
Aaaaand, she’s had enough and jettisoned my brewsky. :photog

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That would never work for me. I can not push a shopping cart without drifting the back wheels side to side. Usually with the biggest grin. I do it through the whole store. I think it embaresses the wife....so now I hardly ever go grocery shopping with her.
I was thinking, the Gestapo would get you for drinking in public here. What a stupid law that revenue generator is.

Chicken, zucchini, broccoli and onion. Way short on the onion, unfortunately.

Just in case anyone actually thought I'd drink in a store, or worse yet, steal beer, it's just a novelty mug. I got my wife and a few others to smile... mission accomplished! :D


I noticed the level never going down. But pondered about stores up north that have beer and wine bars.

Those were funny pics. Drinking and carting..hahaha also redbull looks the same. That much redbull and carting equals drifting and making engine sounds
A couple of the Winn Dixie grocery stores here have a small bar inside. I'm not a drinker, nor do I shop at WD, but the one time I wandered in I was not only surprised, but nauseated by the cigarette smoke of the old timers sitting at the counter flirting with the barmaid. (Us reformed smokers are the worst)

My cousin in NorCal says they're common there too.

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We haven't had a Winn Dixie since I was a kid. I was just taking to a friend about that recently. Where did they go? I guess Walmart drove em out of town
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