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Offer 400 with kind words. I want a shelter too. BC Rich warlock would be nice also. I turned down a super bad evh for 400 last year
The Schecter wasn't even on my radar, Facebook snuck it on me. There's a pretty flashy looking Ibanez SR400QM that I was actually interested in about a month ago but the guy wanted new bass money for it. I see he's dropped the price $200.

Money aside, I don't know which I'd prefer, but I think I'd better be making a decision soon 😁
The Schecter wasn't even on my radar, Facebook snuck it on me. There's a pretty flashy looking Ibanez SR400QM that I was actually interested in about a month ago but the guy wanted new bass money for it. I see he's dropped the price $200.

Money aside, I don't know which I'd prefer, but I think I'd better be making a decision soon 😁
Become a luthier..check stewmack. I have a a 335 with hot pickups. Anything can rock or not. My $80 glarry hollow Tele with a hot humbucker is wild but the bridge is finicky. $80-$2000 stew mack has the set up videos and tools. Or make anything work like hendrix. Looper pedal might help...I like sustain. I need a new Ernie Ball cord. I am destroying parts with noise. Winter camo Jackson flying v is killing me. I hate spending money too. But are we not worth it..ha or we are smart enough to rock anything...tough call.

Dude your woodworking screams instrument.
My Glarry has an issue I can't get past. The D,G strings have a quack/buzz sound that isn't horrible, but the E,A strings don't do it. If I tune the quack out with the knobs then the E,A strings are too boomy. The electronics are not the best, I guess, but I can't hate on it. It's fun and I'm the point where I know I'm serious about playing, so why not get something "nice".

If I made my own it probably wouldn't turn out very nice 😄
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My Glarry has an issue I can't get past. The D,G strings have a quack/buzz sound that isn't horrible, but the E,A strings don't do it. If I tune the quack out with the knobs then the E,A strings are too boomy. The electronics are not the best, I guess, but I can't hate on it. It's fun and I'm the point where I know I'm serious about playing, so why not get something "nice".

If I made my own it probably would turn out very nice 😄
My Glarry has an issue I can't get past. The D,G strings have a quack/buzz sound that isn't horrible, but the E,A strings don't do it. If I tune the quack out with the knobs then the E,A strings are too boomy. The electronics are not the best, I guess, but I can't hate on it. It's fun and I'm the point where I know I'm serious about playing, so why not get something "nice".

If I made my own it probably would turn out very nice 😄
Exactly..everyone has a different idea on action and fret buzz. The fret nut and truss rod is your friend. There some older $80 lp that sound phenomenal. My buddy that plays live banks on epiphone and pays for it to be right.
Exactly..everyone has a different idea on action and fret buzz. The fret nut and truss rod is your friend. There some older $80 lp that sound phenomenal. My buddy that plays live banks on epiphone and pays for it to be right.
That was supposed to say, "if I made my own it probably WOULDN'T turn out very nice". That was a typo, not ego 🤦 Embarrassing.

Not a fret buzz issue, but the actual tone coming out of the amp. It's hard to describe, but no matter what I do the tone coming out of the two top strings never sounds the same as the bottom strings. Sounds like two different guitars being played at once. There's an issue with the neck, too. With flat wounds that require more string tension everything is pretty much ok, but the strings aren't centered on the neck due to the tuners and bridge not being exactly where they should. With the low tension tape wounds that I love, I have to back off the truss rod to get the action right. When I do that the neck rotates clockwise viewed from the bridge which leads to the G strings damn hear falling off the fretboard. If I didn't fret that string perfectly straight it clips off the edge of the fret.

I tried to talk myself in to the Schecter or the flashy Ibanez, but I'm really not cool with an active bass requiring a 9v battery to operate. As seems to keep happening, I went on the hunt for passive basses and the universe once again led me to Yamaha 😁

Ordered this 174 in Old Violin Sunburst. $220. I think I'll be quite happy with this. Simple, basic, not flashy. Suits me.

A foreigner from Central Africa strikes again. This time killing 3 on SH 163 in Laughlin, NV. That fucker can't read or understand a lick of English and was somehow able to get a CDL. The ATA and other industry shills push this false narrative about their being a driver shortage, get the government to drop the standards, and here is a tragic result. He was driving impaired. His defense is it was the wind's fault. BULLSHIT!
Wow what a mess!! F^ck that driver with a cactus! :boid
RIP rider...:cry
3 died in that. The first rider and the pair right after. It was an engaged couple on the second bike. They were barely in their early 20s. The guy whose blood ended up on the windshield was 44.
Ya it is a bs narrative. Like a worker shortage. There have been documented accounts of individuals sending out a 1000 over qualified resumes with 1 or 2 responses. People will believe anything media tells em to.
A foreigner from Central Africa strikes again. This time killing 3 on SH 163 in Laughlin, NV. That fucker can't read or understand a lick of English and was somehow able to get a CDL. The ATA and other industry shills push this false narrative about their being a driver shortage, get the government to drop the standards, and here is a tragic result. He was driving impaired. His defense is it was the wind's fault. BULLSHIT!
I live in what's basically a gorge . The mountains on either side both have interstates running by them, but nothing that connects them through this steep valley. There's tons of signs telling you to not bring a truck in here, but these guys don't speak English and just follow they GPS thinking it's shortcut. When you see a tractor trailer in here...that guy don't speak English and if you stop to help they yell at you. Been going on so long we just drive around them or leave em sitting in the pasture where they got stuck trying to turn around.

Years ago someone abandoned a truck and trailer in a tight switchback curve where they got stuck and nobody could get in or out. A couple good old boys cruised up there with their bulldozers and shoved it up in the woods to clear our road. Hated to see the truck and cargo get destroyed, but maybe you should hire American drivers, and you damn sure ain't blocking the only road out of here if an emergency were to occur. Fuck all that.
My rant today is the new bass guitar I ordered wasn't waiting for me on the porch when I got home. 👿

It's not due to arrive yet, but I'm still miffed about it 😁
I live in what's basically a gorge . The mountains on either side both have interstates running by them, but nothing that connects them through this steep valley. There's tons of signs telling you to not bring a truck in here, but these guys don't speak English and just follow they GPS thinking it's shortcut. When you see a tractor trailer in here...that guy don't speak English and if you stop to help they yell at you. Been going on so long we just drive around them or leave em sitting in the pasture where they got stuck trying to turn around.

Years ago someone abandoned a truck and trailer in a tight switchback curve where they got stuck and nobody could get in or out. A couple good old boys cruised up there with their bulldozers and shoved it up in the woods to clear our road. Hated to see the truck and cargo get destroyed, but maybe you should hire American drivers, and you damn sure ain't blocking the only road out of here if an emergency were to occur. Fuck all that.
Maybe (or maybe not) you should watch that video posted on Reddit. It's downright nasty.

Majority of these foreign operated trucking companies don't have good enough insurance to cover a tow fee. Most towing companies will refuse the job on that principal alone.
Maybe (or maybe not) you should watch that video posted on Reddit. It's downright nasty.

Majority of these foreign operated trucking companies don't have good enough insurance to cover a tow fee. Most towing companies will refuse the job on that principal alone.
I'm gonna skip the video and take your word for it. My head really doesn't need any more trash in it 😁
I'm gonna skip the video and take your word for it. My head really doesn't need any more trash in it 😁
Good idea. I honestly wish I hadn't seen it. I ended up going on a 3hr ride after processing what I watched. It's a beautiful day. Stopped by a nearby reservoir to read up on "Ghost Rider" before departing to get some food.

Other news: I realized the other day when applying for a spot at an advanced MSF course PA residents with the permit or endorsement get to take FREE courses in PA. Yes, MSF courses in PA are free for residents with a PA license with endorsement or permit. Gotta take advantage of that!
Down the bike and I went. This time in a Taco Bell parking lot. Did my headchecks prior to going for the spot I wanted. Suddenly there was somebody attempting to pass me. At such a low speed, braking immediately brought the bike down. It was that or hit her car. My left hand was almost run over.

She circled around after some people boxed her in within the drive-thru. She apologized a ton, gave her the wringer, and she ended up buying me a couple chicken quesadillas. She has only been driving for less than a year and isn't well versed on right-of-way or when it's a solid time to go around somebody. It could have been worse. I'll consider the flagrant foul forgiven. Hopefully she has learned something.

In hindsight I should have done less front brake and waaaaay more rear. It's not like a skid was possible under 10mph, with ABS.
OTOH, the integrity of the Alpinestars Tech3 boots got tested. Bike also landed on my left leg and most of the boot was under it. I didn't even feel it. Left boot is perfectly fine. It protected my foot the way a hockey skate does. I hated the break-in period of the boots but I cannot deny it was money well spent. 👍
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