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+ Week Rocket Science and other Riding Tales

I had to stop and get pics of this car.





One of my friends recently got a new bike and hadn't ridden it much so it was time to do something about that. I set up a ride that I thought would be good for the bike he bought. I headed out on a gloomy morning to the meeting spot which was the cars and Coffee event in mid City Huntsville.


I parked my bike and randy showed up a few minutes later on is new to him Duc.


Another friend showed up on his BMW street bike. He wouldn't be riding with us because he would be test riding a KTM 390 Adventure.

Those unused Tesla superchargers remind me of IdleAire at the truck stops in the 00s.
I'm sure they get used during the week but this was Saturday morning before most people are out shopping. Maybe I'm wrong but I would expect car enthusiasts to be into gasoline powered cars while people driving electric cars are just using them as transportation appliances.
When we got to meeting spot #3 there was a bike I didn't recognize. It belonged to a friend I didn't know was coming.


A few minutes later one more showed up and it was time to ride.


We came around a curve and there were 2 guys on KTM 390s parked in the road. It turned out to be our friend who was at Cars and Coffee on his test ride. The owner of the bike had 2 of them and they went riding together.


We were in the road, blocking it for 5-10 minutes and no traffic came through so it was all good. One reason we come to this area to ride is that there is next to no traffic on these farm roads.
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Lunch was at the barrel house BBQ in Lynchburg. It was warm enough for us to comfortably eat outside. Sorry, no food pics!

I saw this Corvair heading out from lunch and stopped to get a pic.


Then it was time to ride some more!


As you can see the morning gloom had burned off and it was a beautiful day.





Are gravel roads that smooth common to the area?
Yes. There are a fair number of these roads in Middle Tennessee. They are county roads that have some homes and farms on them. They don't see much traffic so they tend to stay in good shape. By contrast there are a lot of forest service roads in the mountains of Eastern TN, Western NC and Northern GA that can be very rough and only suitable for jeeps and off road capable motorcycles. There are also a few gravel roads in Middle Tennessee that are more challenging.
Many of the roads we ride in Middle Tennessee are what i call "paved goat trails". They are paved but less than 2 lanes wide, they have no centerline or any paint on them. They are generally pretty rough, sometimes rougher than the gravel roads. They are more suitable for dual sport or adventure bikes than street bikes. They also have virtually no traffic.

Here's an example from the last ride:


This particular road turned to dirt/gravel.


The next three pics are interesting because something was happening behind me that I had no idea about until I saw the pics.





We stopped at another scenic spot and took some pics.




My last pic of the ride.


We finished the ride at the Mexican Ice cream place in Fayetteville. We had some ice cream, talked a bit and then split up to head for home. Unfortunately, as the first rider took off he was hit by an SUV and ended up in the hospital with broken ribs. The road in front of the ice cream place is a busy 5 lane. None of us saw the accident but best we can tell this is what happened. He looked left and right and the road was clear. We think the SUV pulled out from a parking lot across the street. The driver probably looked left and right but didn't look ahead and didn't see him.

His bike was barely damaged and we rode it to his house which was less than a half hour away. My ride home was over an hour and in the dark. I felt like a target the whole way. It sucks to have a ride end this way but it could have been worse. We all know the risk when we go riding.
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It was 70+ degrees here today so of course I got out and did some riding. First up was grabbing a tag. We have a local tag game called the usual suspects tag. It is an actual tag game where you have to ride to the actual spot.
I knew the tag was somewhere in the Huntsville research park. I had to ride around a bit to find it:


I stopped for another pic just a few hundred yards down the road. I thought I might be able to use the pic for something.


Then I went and grabbdt the ADVr scooter tag.


Then I used the previous pic as the new tag. I still needed to find a new tag for the US tag game. I decided I would do that later.
Before long it was later and I went riding again.

Looking for potential tags:


Not really a potential tag but I thought it would be a cool pic.


This might make a good tag:


The only problem with this spot is that it is often under water.

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