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Since it was brought up, this is me going "nuts". :rolleyes
It seems appropriate to repost it here, with all its nuttiness.
If you follow the link to that thread, you'll see this post described as toxic and poisonous. lol

Christine is an intelligent person making an overt effort to bother people.
She's here for the attention and is fueled by the responses.
Don't underestimate her abilities.

As was suggested, Ignore her and don't give it another thought.
Do the same with me or anyone else you believe to be acting for a similar purpose.
Surround yourself with happier people, online and in the real world.

Avoid the negative when possible, and enjoy the beauty around you.

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Since Jeremy Dimwit has been mentioned plenty. Here is a video where he's denying the voice is his very own. :imaposer 35:32 is where his reign of narcissistic terror comes undone- for now. The guy in the blue rental car returned to FL to file charges against Jeremy.

And yet I can still post on that thread and you cant. You are a sad, pathetic individual.

No names were mentioned.

You're wrong btw. Nepotism aside I am not blocked from posting in that thread. I choose not to.
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No names needed, this time, you have pointed out your ignorance and idiocy in that thread plenty of times.

Ignorance of what? I know your type. Emboldened by nepotism I see a vile and disgusting old man who posts the smuttiest images he can find and faps to girls a third of his age in an internet forum. :puke2Even ADVr didn't want that. And you're so weak you'd scream down any woman who would oppose you, not just here (it is a suprisingly common character flaw btw). Does that about cover it?

Most of my non profit work is intercepting and protecting the most at risk groups coming out of eastern Europe (could easily be S. America or Asia) who are preyed upon by people not much different to you.

Ignorance of what? I know your type. Emboldened by nepotism I see a vile and disgusting old man who posts the smuttiest images he can find and faps to girls a third of his age in an internet forum. :puke2Even ADVr didn't want that. And you're so weak you'd scream down any woman who would oppose you, not just here (it is a suprisingly common character flaw btw). Does that about cover it?

Most of my non profit work is intercepting and protecting the most at risk groups coming out of eastern Europe (could easily be S. America or Asia) who are preyed upon by people not much different to you.

I don’t want to be mean but I’m not going to sit idly by while you blatantly attack people here.

[UWSL]We both know the truth, Matt. You are a man who is about 73 years old and nearly everything you’ve posted is a complete lie. The evidence is all out there. You’re a very sloppy troll and an even worse liar. If anyone wants links they can feel free to message me privately.[/UWSL]

Your veiled accusations about JVB being a trafficker or predator. Projection. Pure and simple.

You are the man who fantasies about how many young Ukrainian girls you have managed to “rescue” and bring back to your secluded village in the Swiss Alps. I curated a list of quotes from your postings here and it's more disturbing than I thought. I decided to omit them.

It’s seriously time for you to just move along now. Don't let an imaginary buzzard strike your imaginary Rolls Royce BR 725 jet engine on the way out.
This is a motorcycle forum, right?

I have sometimes wondered about that...

For those of you with comprehension difficulties the trolling started right about post 16 and has been going across multiple threads. Not mine.

The first troll here is DJ_MI. Most of you are just too stupid to realise that and blindly follow him.
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I have sometimes wondered about that...

For those of you with comprehension difficulties the trolling started right about post 16 and has been going across multiple threads. Not mine.
I have sometimes wondered about that...

For those of you with comprehension difficulties the trolling started right about post 16 and has been going across multiple threads. Not mine.

The first troll here is DJ_MI. Most of you are just too stupid to realise that and blindly follow him.
For those of you with comprehension difficulties the trolling started right about post 16 and has been going across multiple threads. Not mine.

The first troll here is DJ_MI. Most of you are just too stupid to realise that and blindly follow him.
So you don't feel any need to dispute what I've said? 🤔 You are just going to deflect to me? You know it's true, Matt.

The first troll here is DJ_MI.
I'll allow people here to judge for themselves who the troll here is.

Most of you are just too stupid to realise that and blindly follow him.
Stand by while I present who here is "too stupid"...

You posted this picture on Saturday, 11/11/2023.

It's crazy that "OC" Matt posted the exact same picture on 2/11/2018! Did you steal his dog?


Now I know what you're going to say. You'll either ignore this strange discovery and just attack me some more or you'll come up with some vague explanation that doesn't make sense to anyone but yourself.

These pictures alone I find to be pretty conclusive of your lack or integrity and honesty. If anyone had any doubts before about you I think they should lay it to rest. However, if we need further proof that you are a troll I'd be happy to provide it. And let me apologize to all the legit members here. I'm not a mean spirited person and I really didn't want to engage Matt on this. I asked him nicely to leave us alone. I've said before though that I'm not going to allow a troll to insult my friends. Accusing JVB of being some kind of predator was the last straw.

Do you want to keep playing this game, Matt? I've done my homework...
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People might find it interesting to take a look at who "Liked" Matt's dog picture from 2018.


ChristineM (CTG's infamous troll account from ADVr) liked that post! Now what are the odds of that?

Is it possible that ChristineM actually started out as OC/Matt's "sock puppet" or "fake noob" account? I wonder if Matt has more fake troll accounts out there just waiting to be discovered. If there are I wonder what kind of secrets they could be hiding?? 🤔
Ignorance of what? I know your type. Emboldened by nepotism I see a vile and disgusting old man who posts the smuttiest images he can find and faps to girls a third of his age in an internet forum. :puke2Even ADVr didn't want that. And you're so weak you'd scream down any woman who would oppose you, not just here (it is a suprisingly common character flaw btw). Does that about cover it?

Most of my non profit work is intercepting and protecting the most at risk groups coming out of eastern Europe (could easily be S. America or Asia) who are preyed upon by people not much different to you.

Do you even know what nepotism means you ignorant slut?

I think you are 100% vile and full of shit. My bet is you never did anything for anyone but yourself.
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