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[UWSL]We both know the truth, Matt. You are a man who is about 73 years old and nearly everything you’ve posted is a complete lie. [/UWSL]

You are the man who fantasies about how many young Ukrainian girls you have managed to “rescue” and bring back to your secluded village in the Swiss Alps.
Alright, that just fucking creepy.
There is no evidence there. You do what you have to do to convince yourselves. I didn't say those were my pics... and I posted the full story behind them somewhere else. They came to mind when I saw the thread since I am visiting for a few weeks. It is amazing how some people can take something innocent and spend hours and days twisting it into something ugly.

I am in Au now. The only thing I am guilty of WRT to Matt is knowing him IRL... Outside this festering pool of hate.
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Do you even know what nepotism means you ignorant slut?

I think you are 100% vile and full of shit. My bet is you never did anything for anyone but yourself.

Cronyism then.
There is no evidence there. You do what you have to do to convince yourselves. I didn't say those were my pics... and I posted the full story behind them elsewhere. They came to mind when I saw the thread since I am visiting for a few weeks. It is amazing how some people can take something innocent and spend hours and days twisting it into something ugly.

I am in Au now. The only thing I am guilty of WRT to Matt is knowing him IRL... Outside this festering pool of hate.

You want my full travel itinerary, my life story, a list of everyone I know and their life story. In this environment. Are you retarded?
I am in Au now. The only thing I am guilty of WRT to Matt is knowing him IRL...
Are you visiting with RichardW and Mariannette too? What about Anne Marie & her dad "Numbers"? You've got a whole crew of fake accounts. :lol2

In this environment.
Again, why are you even still here? You clearly don't like this place or the people here.

Are you retarded?
Retarded huh? Wasn't that the insult that was the final straw for your "Annie & Her Dad" account being banned over on ADVr?

If we wanna see who's "retarded" maybe I should post up some more of what I found... You're not very good at keeping all of your fake accounts seperate.
You wanna see creepy?

Here's about as creepy as it gets. This ~73 year old man is pretending to be a 33 year old woman and posting these obvious lies and fantasies on the internet. He's "saving" little girls from Ukraine and flying them back to his remote village and having them sleep in his bed with him.

These are just from this site. Go to ADVr and search for the username OC and use the terms "youngsters" or "girls" and you'll find a ton more of his disturbing stories about taking young girls on long rides out into the desert and sleeping together under the stars. Some seriously fucked up shit. This is a sick, sick man.

The workers village has 800+ residents now, about 140 families. 200 in temporary housing (the transportable kind). Another 150 residents in the main house. It was a girls boarding school for over a century with more than 300 students.

This week the 100th home was completed in the village...

School break this week, so #1 daughter and her friends are home and on site UA school is out... Lots of children roaming around.

I returned home to two little girls who lost both parents to this war last year. I was named guardian by their parents should the worst happen and I adopted them earlier this year.

Then five and seven year old sisters climb into my bed. Their parents are gone and I inherited the responsibility. I don't know how that happened...

3.30am. My 6 and 8 year olds crawled into bed with me about an hour ago and joined my little dog.

The girls are in with me early.

Fly-in this weekend and I wanted a last display rehearsal. Later I took an 18yo up. Seriously. She puked in her mouth a couple of times but that didn't dissuade her. She was all over it, loving it and asking for more.

I rode both days on the weekend, Monday morning it took two planes to get all the girls back to school. Monday afternoon I did FTP and VO2 tests then to the track for a few laps with the Ukrainian girls.

I am looking a little more beaten with a few more scars that only gives me street cred with the Ukrainian girls, nothing else...

This evening I spent an hour on the track with some of the Ukrainian girls. They are beautiful and give me hope.

swim this morning then 90km on the road, short track session with the UA girls this afternoon now cleaned up for dinner.

Finally we are home and I change to join the UA girls for a track session.

Trials bikes are perfect for the girls when they are gliding around. Skirt friendly...

Somehow I have groups of students who are completely unrelated to my daughter coming here for summers. Like a summer camp, but not! Every day I fly with young students.

And we have a freshly hatched group of young glider pilots. Summer camp? They are back on weekends. I still don't know how that happened. They are not part of my daughter's circle or the lockdown group.

I didn't stay in bed long and went in search of food tripping over the bodies of my daughter and her friends through my rooms.

They are always no drop rides and many riders are under age...

It is just a few more scars now and came with matching set on the side of my head and face. The number has grown recently. Children want to touch them and I let them.

It doesn't have much to do with cycling until we pack ten teens and their bikes in the back.

I am not denying it. Their second choice was #1 daughter. I spent most of Sunday in bed with one on my chest and the other under my arm.

This week mostly relaxed 2.5 group rides with 3-3.5 climbs 90-100km. Nothing too strenuous. More social. A large group of girls are still burning up the boards.

Even the schoolgirls here don't do the schoolgirl look.

Evening track session is fun. I have a fairly good sprint, but some of the girls drag me backwards.

A year ago I was caught up in the middle of a Russian missile strike on a Ukrainian medical clinic. The short of it was I ended up with a few holes, a lot of stitches, some repairs when I got home and more scars for children to count.

Since February there have been fourteen children born here and another, the last is due any day, enough for a creche and there is already a school. I am angered beyond words by the thought that all of those children will not know their fathers and none of those women will see their husbands again because of the empirical ambitions of one evil little monster!

It was a little rushed, but we had time to organise ourselves, pick up #1 and her friends for Spring break...

I flew a couple of displays and about five hours extra flight time. Always with women, three or four wanting a career in aviation.

School holiday here and my daughter brings a few friends home.

Fly-in this weekend and I wanted a last display rehearsal. Later I took an 18yo up.

B and I took the girls back to school early, then it was a day of things aviation.

But...he is surprisingly gentle with everyone, specially with young children.

Spring break is finished. The girls go back to school tomorrow and will be staying there for the remainder of the school year.

hen a relaxing low level reach out and touch a mountain romp in Frankie with one of the girls doing the flying. I show off with a low pass over the hangar and aerobatics when we get back. B with another student on my wing. She will shuttle the girls back to school in the morning.

People wonder why I get shitty with dirty old pervs... none of it is innocent.
You spend a lot of time on this. Trying to make something innocent into something vile.
You want my full travel itinerary, my life story, a list of everyone I know and their life story. In this environment. Are you retarded?
No, just honesty. Civility would be a bonus.
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