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Rant About Your Day Here!

It's not the Texas of my youth anymore. We used to be known as the friendly state. Not so much anymore.
I realized that after moving back in 2014. Of course I had to have picked one of the worst parts. It was more due to the super low CoL compared to other places with more job opportunities. I only have myself to blame for the selection. Simply thought if I had the same fortunes when I moved to SW WA from Arizona, I could make a killing in Amarillo when it came to savings and maybe home ownership. The cronyism and nepotism in that city is something else. There is simply no breaking through that barrier. There is also the super religious side of the cronyism. If you go to the "wrong" church, you'll be ostracized. I sampled San Antonio in 2001 and absolutely hated everything about it. I left after 6 months. I'd take Houston over that Bexar County shit hole.

Appears like some good driving skills proven to keep control enough to make it to the side of the road under some kind of control...
Thanks! It wasn't my first steer tire blowout rodeo. First one I ever had was my rookie year in trucking. I was along for the ride as soon as the driver side steer tire went. It broke the steering shaft and I was off the road before I could respond accordingly. Almost rolled over as a result and damn near soiled myself. Second one happened 8 years ago in Wilkes-Barre. I was able to get off the road safely. I was driving with the company trainer, who drove like a total fucking scrub. He was constantly bitching about my unwillingness to hammer down. I kept telling him why I don't, and what's the point when we're being paid by the hour? It isn't a speed contest. You don't save time on the road. Time is saved at the stops. He's a moron. Anyway, he was bitching when the blowout occurred. I talked through it while steering the truck and hazmat load to the shoulder. He finally saw the light even though it was momentarily. If I had been going the governed speed, we would have probably ended up in the southbound side of I-81.
The wife and I have been talking about moving back to Hawaii. It won't be anytime soon but it's a possibility.

It's not the Texas of my youth anymore. We used to be known as the friendly state. Not so much anymore.

I don't think any place is the "place of ones youth". Things/places change ,and quickly now it seems.
Not a rant, more of a funny story.

Doing residential HVAC I'm always in a different person's house every day. Older folks are lonely and want to tell you their life's story and it's usually pretty interesting. I always enjoy hearing their stories. I don't know how interesting this one is, but it sure enough stunned me.

Replacing a furnace in this 92 year old ladies home. She's a tiny thing. I'd guess under 5' tall maybe 90lbs if she was carrying something heavy. Sweetest little Grandma you ever saw with walls covered in pictures of grandchildren and Jesus.

"I was 13 years old when I got married. My husband was a logger and had the strongest arms I ever saw. We had 7 kids by the time I was 21, but he got killed in the woods before his last child was born..."

She trailed off and I was thinking of something kind to say as she seemed upset. But then she started back up. Btw, I'm convinced people view random workers in their house that they'll never see again as the perfect person to confess secrets to.

"My second husband was a wonderful man. He took good care of me and loved the children like his own. I miss him a lot, but he never could fuck me like my first husband could."

😳 Damn, woman.

I reckon the moral of the story is them loggers are a tough act to follow 😂
That is because loggers always have wood. And might not be here tomorrow. Every time could be the last time
It is too easy to make a mess that is hard to clean up.

It is "fun" riding around the blade pile on a DL1000 in slick mud. This is right over a years worth of blades.
Insane? Sure! Getting that going hot enough to burn steel would make a nice bonfire, though.

I don't blame you for staying clear. That's the kind of thing for an excavator with a thumb or a clamshell to grab from a distance and stuff into a roll-off dumpster, no skin involved.

If that's a year's worth, I'm guessing it's not worth keeping a roll-off or old truck parked for months so they can be added to the load individually.
It would help if we snapped the blades like I did in metal work. We have a claw excavator and 640r. I am thinking 1.5 million board feet of cutting.

Loop a chain into the mass and drag chunks of it out to form a zombie barrier, dangle someone over it and see how that plays out, drag it around into a 360 degree enclosure and deposit someone in the open center. Lots of uses for that kind of industrial debris. I wouldn't want that on my land.

Take a torch to the mess. But the dirt catches on fire when it is dry. If this place burns. The whole county is going with it. That log stack is about 15% of the logs. And there are mammoth edge and slab piles in the woods. That is at least getting taken care of...slowly. If I ever do this on my own....you can get any piece of wood as long as it is a live edge slab=zero waste.
I head out to pick up my mom for Easter dinner at my aunt's house, my mom has some early dementia issues and she pretty much drives the 3 miles to church on Sundays. It's a nice day so I take the bike and we'll use her car (she can't get in and out of my truck very well). Stop for gas and my phone starts pinging me for a camera alert at my mom's. My sister has gone to take the car and go to her in-laws, no notice, nothing....because the car she bought 6 months ago STILL doesn't have tags on it because she doesn't like to work regularly. So I call her and ask what's up....she boohoos and shit and I tell her I'm on the bike and have to go back home to get the truck (mentioning the difficulties for mom). She doesn't seem to care (this is not a surprise).

My nephew (18) shows up at my aunt's house as I was grumbling about the inconvenience. Then I helped him for an hour with latitude/longitude and finding things on the map in prep for his Part 107 FAA drone tests. (Coincidentally, sister said she had him with her at the in-laws, not that it matters much)

She's had 3 cars repo-d in 2 years, one of which she swindled my mom into setting up auto-draft payments and I caught it. She works on occasion, husband hasn't worked since she met him 2 years ago and has 2 kids under 10. They live 2 miles from my mom and never help with anything like lawn mowing or such, only dropping in for money or the car. I live about 15 miles away and take care of everything, to include doctor's appointments and so on. Her Dr. called in 2022 because my sister had missed getting her to an appointment, then rescheduled and missed that one, rescheduled and missed again. When she did manage to get mom to appointments, she charged her $30-40 but used mom's car and gas.

So 20 minutes ago I get a nasty text from her about how I've upset the kid and our mom is upset that I upset the kid.... and that the car belongs to mom and not to me FYI, etc., etc. Things are going to come to a head, it's probably a good thing I have to work in the morning or I'd be pounding on her door now.
Ah, the joys of family!

At the least, have you discussed having Mom work with a payee to keep an independent eye on her money? It shouldn't cost much, and a payee can prevent financial trouble. When presenting the idea to Mom, let her know the payee is basically a financial assistant that works for her, making sure her bills are paid and her money is safe from scammers. You don't have to mention any potential scammers in the family.

A payee won't keep Mom from loaning out her car, but they should prevent any sizeable loans or purchases of a questionable nature.
I have been her POA since 2014, my dad set it all up to include naming me on bank accounts before he passed away. When we went to the bank I asked him where my sister was, he laughed and said "she can't manage her own damned money, let alone mine". All of mom's regular bills are automated and her credit is frozen (sister swindled her into signing up for a Guitar Center credit card 2 years back so I took that measure), I have allowed for 6 months expenditures in her accounts and everything else is in CDs right now. She no longer possesses a checkbook because....you guessed it....sister burned through $3500 in checks last summer after it fell into her purse, mom refused to prosecute.

However, perhaps it's time I stepped out of that so my sister can't point fingers at me for barring her from money.
So early for a rant. Work shift went super duper well. Left the domicile at 2200, got to Hagerstown at 0030, trailers were finished, dropped my set, went over to the loaded trailers, hooked those up, and left the hub by 0100. Made it back to the domicile at 0345 and did my thing. Shot the shit with the yard driver for a few minutes prior to hopping on the bike for home. Within the final mile of getting home, a huge ass deer decided it was a great time to reveal itself from the roadside bushes and attempt to fuck up my entire night. It would have been a 65mph hit and I'd be across the street from my place, at the county hospital right now. Made it home before the heavy rain is supposed to begin.
It is too easy to make a mess that is hard to clean up.

It is "fun" riding around the blade pile on a DL1000 in slick mud. This is right over a years worth of blades.
Holy.... Dang it man it just takes a second to roll them in on themselves in to a nice little coil. Of course once they snap that's out the window.

Nice little Murder Pile y'all got there 😁
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