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Rant About Your Day Here!

Madmx you jinxed me bro
Well you now have plenty of stock for zombie "art"
Did the blade shoot out the dust chute. We had two blades fly all the way out last week. Very wild! One hit the wall 16ft away.
Almost fell prey to a cult. I was going to church for about 5 weeks straight. It started off feeling warm and all that jazz. I was digging the atmosphere until I went to some other function the week before Easter. That is where the warmth ended and I got an awful feeling in my gut. The members in there also know who my ex is and they think she's Satan's mistress. She has been shunned by those "lovely" and "Christ-like" people. I made mention of the sky wizard and that's when things got heated. Yeah, I've been branded a heretic, an apostate, and all that supposedly awful stuff. I have a feeling as long as we live our lives like decent human beings, things will be fine.

I have never been one to blindly follow the herd. Even if that means being left on my own to fight my own battles. I'd rather be true to myself than let a bunch of people attempt to manipulate and fear monger me into submission. I've dealt with threats by the feds of serving 20 years in some federal installation. In the end those threats were simply threats to get me to submit. I didn't! That was way more frightening than religious damnation. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.

I'm no fan of the federal LE agencies and certainly not a fan of religious cults. It's a shame Trump has become like a messiah to that side. I get more out of the teachings of Alan Watts than I do with organized religion. I'm of the world. I will remain that way.
Hear me out before you get mad, but if you did actually use the term "Sky Wizard" then you can expect them to be offended by that, or perceive it as you mocking them. 😂

I agree with you that some churches can straight up be cults. I grew up in a religious household. Nothing crazy or militant, just be good, follow the commandments, etc. I mean, don't murder and steal is pretty easy to get along with, so I had no reason to question things. Mom caught me smoking behind the barn when I was about 13 and got mad. "What would Pastor John think?" I didn't really care what Pastor John thinks, aren't we supposed to care about what God thinks? That's when I got the idea that my mom's allegiance was misguided to the church and not God. That was disturbing to me.

In highschool I got instead in history. Mostly from the perspective of scientific advancements, not politics. It was crazy to me that people just a handful of generations ago couldn't grasp the concept of washing hands before surgery or that pooping on sidewalks was bad. Of course, I was taught all sorts of facts based on the Theory of Evolution, but I'm my time in the library I was shocked to discover that Darwin was a Christian. Several famous scientists, like Einstein, made the comment that the more you study science the harder it is to ignore God. That shook me up. Why am I being tested on memorizing the Theory of Evolution, and punished if I'm not a good boy, but the guys behind the theory have a lot to say about other things that I'm not allowed to discuss in school. So yeah, in right there with you on the whole being obedient and following the crowd things. There's too much info that I want to know and being pigeon holes in to only being allowed to view part of the info isn't good enough.

I've got no hate for the church I grew up in. They're good folks. But I don't attend anymore. The Native American's had something to say about the Europeans settlers that stuck with me. Paraphrasing, but something along the lines of, "Y'all need fancy outfits and elaborate buildings to visit your God, be we talk with our Creator whenever we're in nature". Humanity has a way of destroying good things. Like I said, I don't attend church anymore...maybe I should, but my mind has been much clearer since I started just taking long walks alone. I might have left the church, but I never found a reason to give up on God.

It's all good in the woods 😉👍
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Well you now have plenty of stock for zombie "art"
Did the blade shoot out the dust chute. We had two blades fly all the way out last week. Very wild! One hit the wall 16ft away.
Nah, dummy me didn't tension it so it just folded and snapped. 🤦
Nah, dummy me didn't tension it so it just folded and snapped. 🤦
I think we over tensioned a few. No one plucks the blade for tone. We just pump up the hydraulic tensioner and watch the air bag guage.

The bearings are going out again on the single side rail. I bet tomorrow or Tues it shows itself.

I still want a home mill to cut what we never wood at work. A log/cant indexing attachment could make some cool posts.
A log/cant indexing attachment could make some cool posts.
That's s cool idea. I reckon some wedges would get the job done. I've got an attachment for cutting lapp siding I haven't put on the machine yet. Time is soon approaching though
Hear me out before you get mad, but if you did actually use the term "Sky Wizard" then you can expect them to be offended by that, or perceive it as you mocking them. 😂

I agree with you that some churches can straight up be cults. I grew up in a religious household. Nothing crazy or militant, just be good, follow the commandments, etc. I mean, don't murder and steal is pretty easy to get along with, so I had no reason to question things. Mom caught me smoking behind the barn when I was about 13 and got mad. "What would Pastor John think?" I didn't really care what Pastor John thinks, aren't we supposed to care about what God thinks? That's when I got the idea that my mom's allegiance was misguided to the church and not God. That was disturbing to me.

In highschool I got instead in history. Mostly from the perspective of scientific advancements, not politics. It was crazy to me that people just a handful of generations ago couldn't grasp the concept of washing hands before surgery or that pooping on sidewalks was bad. Of course, I was taught all sorts of facts based on the Theory of Evolution, but I'm my time in the library I was shocked to discover that Darwin was a Christian. Several famous scientists, like Einstein, made the comment that the more you study science the harder it is to ignore God. That shook me up. Why am I being tested on memorizing the Theory of Evolution, and punished if I'm not a good boy, but the guys behind the theory have a lot to say about other things that I'm not allowed to discuss in school. So yeah, in right there with you on the whole being obedient and following the crowd things. There's too much info that I want to know and being pigeon holes in to only being allowed to view part of the info isn't good enough.

I've got hate for the church I grew up in. They're good folks. But I don't attend anymore. The Native American's had something to say about the Europeans settlers that stuck with me. Paraphrasing, but something along the lines of, "Y'all need fancy outfits and elaborate buildings to visit your God, be we talk with our Creator whenever we're in nature". Humanity has a way of destroying good things. Like I said, I don't attend church anymore...maybe I should, but my mind has been much clearer since I started just taking long walks alone. I might have left the church, but I never found a reason to give up on God.

It's all good in the woods 😉👍
I only mentioned Sky Wizard because they were coming at me pretty aggressively for no apparent reason. I started going to that church with an open mind and with kindness.

I've struggled with faith all my life. I feel absolutely no connection to God or whatever. However I do have a strong spiritual bond outside of the mainstream organized religions. That's where I'll stay.
I only mentioned Sky Wizard because they were coming at me pretty aggressively for no apparent reason. I started going to that church with an open mind and with kindness.

I've struggled with faith all my life. I feel absolutely no connection to God or whatever. However I do have a strong spiritual bond outside of the mainstream organized religions. That's where I'll stay.
Welcome to the honest 75% of us. Though many attend church, say the right things, and act like we are full believers, most of us feel like god exists, but can't identify how.

I never knock anyone for their beliefs, even my atheist friends, who make atheism a religion in itself.
I only mentioned Sky Wizard because they were coming at me pretty aggressively for no apparent reason. I started going to that church with an open mind and with kindness.

I've struggled with faith all my life. I feel absolutely no connection to God or whatever. However I do have a strong spiritual bond outside of the mainstream organized religions. That's where I'll stay.
There is only one true path:

The Church of the Subgenius

Pay no attention to this false prophet or his ilk!

Time Cube knows all!
You SnotBrains will know hell for ignoring TimeCube.
Welcome to the honest 75% of us. Though many attend church, say the right things, and act like we are full believers, most of us feel like god exists, but can't identify how.

I never knock anyone for their beliefs, even my atheist friends, who make atheism a religion in itself.
Many atheists are a lot like Crossfitters. They have to tell everybody about it. Hell, now the Navy SEALs are like both of those groups of people. All three tend to be loaded with prima donnas.
Many atheists are a lot like Crossfitters. They have to tell everybody about it. Hell, now the Navy SEALs are like both of those groups of people. All three tend to be loaded with prima donnas.
Vegans do the same. Put one in a room filled with people and within 5 mins a hundred people will know….:nod
I only mentioned Sky Wizard because they were coming at me pretty aggressively for no apparent reason. I started going to that church with an open mind and with kindness.
Ever heard Kris Kristofferson's song, Jesus was a Capricorn?

"Everyone needs someone to look down on".
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