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Rant About Your Day Here!

I head out to pick up my mom for Easter dinner at my aunt's house, my mom has some early dementia issues and she pretty much drives the 3 miles to church on Sundays. It's a nice day so I take the bike and we'll use her car (she can't get in and out of my truck very well). Stop for gas and my phone starts pinging me for a camera alert at my mom's. My sister has gone to take the car and go to her in-laws, no notice, nothing....because the car she bought 6 months ago STILL doesn't have tags on it because she doesn't like to work regularly. So I call her and ask what's up....she boohoos and shit and I tell her I'm on the bike and have to go back home to get the truck (mentioning the difficulties for mom). She doesn't seem to care (this is not a surprise).

My nephew (18) shows up at my aunt's house as I was grumbling about the inconvenience. Then I helped him for an hour with latitude/longitude and finding things on the map in prep for his Part 107 FAA drone tests. (Coincidentally, sister said she had him with her at the in-laws, not that it matters much)

She's had 3 cars repo-d in 2 years, one of which she swindled my mom into setting up auto-draft payments and I caught it. She works on occasion, husband hasn't worked since she met him 2 years ago and has 2 kids under 10. They live 2 miles from my mom and never help with anything like lawn mowing or such, only dropping in for money or the car. I live about 15 miles away and take care of everything, to include doctor's appointments and so on. Her Dr. called in 2022 because my sister had missed getting her to an appointment, then rescheduled and missed that one, rescheduled and missed again. When she did manage to get mom to appointments, she charged her $30-40 but used mom's car and gas.

So 20 minutes ago I get a nasty text from her about how I've upset the kid and our mom is upset that I upset the kid.... and that the car belongs to mom and not to me FYI, etc., etc. Things are going to come to a head, it's probably a good thing I have to work in the morning or I'd be pounding on her door now.
Bro, our sister's sound related 😁

This is the first time I've admitted to having a sister in...ten years or so? I have very close friends that I've known for years that don't even know I have a sister. Some people will just ruin your life and being family doesn't give em a free pass. Good luck, buddy.
Bro, our sister's sound related 😁

This is the first time I've admitted to having a sister in...ten years or so? I have very close friends that I've known for years that don't even know I have a sister. Some people will just ruin your life and being family doesn't give em a free pass. Good luck, buddy.
I was going to say the same thing.
Holy.... Dang it man it just takes a second to roll them in on themselves in to a nice little coil. Of course once they snap that's out the window.

Nice little Murder Pile y'all got there 😁
The mill can be up in running in less than a min after a blade snaps or hits a nail. The whole darn blade shot out the saw dust shoot today...glad nobody was walking past it! Made for a quick swap!
Been a bad day for me today on a personal level, since my stroke 3 years back. My right side has been weaker than my left i have always been ambidextrous but did use my right mostly apart from shooting down to a left master eye i shoot of the left.
My Right hand arm and leg are weaker and i seem to be loosing muscle off my leg well to be more accurate strength, i can not maintain full strength down to a badly warn right knee which has needed a replacement 6 years now.
The chickens have come home to roost today, i was simply getting into a small Ford tractor i had a 90cc Jonsared Chainsaw and wanted to reach up with the saw so needed my left leg on the step to get in and push up with my right i was holding on the wheel with my right hand the weakness plus the pain i just could not push up hard enough what with the weight of the saw etc i was off the ground and lost grip with my right hand mid mount , it all went pear shaped i was back out the door saw luckily on the seat but me in slow motion back onto the floor nothing i could do about it.
Fortunately i was on grass and it was soaked and a soft squishy landing with no hard stuff around me, but it hurt and was very real.
I am growing more infirm even at 66. I try to ignore the stroke its still there and you have to live with it every single moment of everyday, most days i am ok with my lot but today no , i felt old and i admit frail. No sugar coating it or ignoring it, it got in the way of what i wanted to do in a negative way its not a case of "Just get on with it" some stuff i just can not do anymore, and when i got up i actually felt physically sick, the eldest lad saw it all came running over i felt ashamed and dont think i handled this well in my own mind and i am going to try to develop strength in my right side more, the arm and hand should be relatively straight forward but the right leg with the worn knee not so much. Having said all this remember its better to burn out than rust. Strokes are cruel things terrible but if they dont kill you out right there and then and most of you is working something like count your blessings the alternative is curtain closing for sure. Just sayin.
Our current forecast:

Blizzard Warning
Baraga, MI
Marquette, MI
* WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 27 inches, greatest over the higher terrain from the Huron Mountains to Negaunee with the least amounts near the Lake Superior shore. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph, strongest winds expected on Wednesday, especially near Lake Superior. * WHERE...Baraga and Marquette Counties. * WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Travel will become very difficult to impossible. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Wednesday morning and evening commute. The combination of wet snow and gusty winds will bring down tree branches and cause power outages. Tree damage and power outages could become widespread.

Our snow was almost gone.

Lights are flic....
Not my rant, but a good one.

I'm replacing the AC system in a rental property and the tenant was on the phone with the landlord this morning. Apparently the clothes washing machine is out, again, and the tenant is tired of it. He's an older black gentleman with a heavy southern drawl and just listening to his way of talking is a joy. All his kind manners and soft spoken voice aside, you can tell he's tired of dealing with this old busted up machine.

The landlord just had this little beauty delivered.


$2.00 a load. Homie lost his mind and went straight back to the phone. "I know you ain't thinking I'm gonna pay rent to live in a laundromat. You best be bringing me a bucket of quarters to run this mother fucker". Hearing this gentleman swear made my day 😅

Gonna be taking lunch in the truck until the dust settles.
It does not pay to achieve! And most shit is a gimmick. Any 328D owners or the like have gas peddle issues...that flimsy ass rubber cover breached. There is a dual spring return that will pack with debris. And slip past to a a bell crank hall affect sensor. Let me guess AT 352394 ..found at lunch. The casting is delicate but is so freaking easily serviceable. Reinstall on the cover plate is the shaft vs spring washer do not fuck up. There are only 3 terminals in a 6 terminal connector. I verified the hall affect sensor separate of the mechanism. Then verified the unit before cab reinstall by revving a diesel like an angy xr.
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It does not pay to achieve! And most shit is a gimmick. Any 328D owners or the like have gas peddle issues...that flimsy ass rubber cover breached. There is a dual spring return that will pack with debris. And slip past to a a bell crank hall affect sensor. Let me guess AT 352394 ..found at lunch. The casting is delicate but is so freaking easily serviceable. Reinstall on the cover plate is the shaft vs spring washer do not fuck up. There are only 3 terminals in a 6 terminal connector. I verified the hall affect sensor separate of the mechanism. Then verified the unit before cab reinstall by revving a diesel like an angy xr.

See who the heck wants to save this world. Only 1 out of 5 backed disassembly besides me. I should have shot a video and turned deere on its ass. Our 640r went down the shop needs 2 weeks and $10k...I only needed 2 hrs hanging with my coolest crew...coworkers to fix some of the easiest shit ever.

Same dam thing on the effing yanmar regen ....computers and 2 field visits...I found the bare wires and fixed. See perception. Now I want none of of it ..I make $14 an hr and can buy a gs tomorrow...dam I am blessed...with short freaking patience! When your crowd does not know the difference In hall affect vs petintiometer...you feel old..because any thing worth a dam is hall affect. Yall have a Faraday
I couldn't be a mechanic these days.

I've gotten to the point where if the headlight dimmer isn't in the floor I'm not interested in it.

Modern farm tractors? Hell naw. My dad recently bought a Kubota and everything is accessed through the touchscreen. Everything. Just firing the bastard up requires you punching in a passcode and waiting for the computer to boot up, which isn't quick. Why? It's a generator engine running a hydraulic pump. There's zero benefit to the complexity.
Woke up just before 0200 and no TV. :( A quick call to Xfinity and the automated crapola begins. I follow all the prompts, they send a "refresh signal" and I wait. Twenty minutes later and nothing. Then I get a text asking if I'm satisfied? Ummm, No. Do you want a technician to call? Ummm, Yes! Ten minutes later, he calls. I can barely understand him. :baldy More customer service that's been outsourced to foreign country. Nothing against these workers, they're just doing a job, but still....

So, the Tech starts asking questions. I answer. Then he asks the same questions again. Look, nothing's has changed; I have no sound and no picture, but at the bottom of the screen, it shows all previous channels watched. Mr. Steve, are you sure your TV is plugged in? Ummm, yeah, if it wasn't, I wouldn't see the previous channels watched at the bottom of the screen. Mr. Steve, can you tell me what you see on the screen? Ummm, didn't I just tell you that? Mr. Steve, do you have any picture or sound? Ummm, no, that's why I called Xfinity. Mr. Steve, is your internet working? Yes. Is your TV working now? Ummm, no - have you done anything? Mr. Steve, I'm trying to understand what is the problem. Ummm, I HAVE NO TV PICTURE OR SOUND! Get me somebody else, I'm hanging up.

About 30 seconds later, he calls back. Mr. Steve, I'm trying to understand what is the problem with your TV. Ummm, look; I've told you what I can. You figure it out.

Finally, at 0310, all is well. He wants me to give him a 10 on the customer service review.
Woke up just before 0200 and no TV. :( A quick call to Xfinity and the automated crapola begins. I follow all the prompts, they send a "refresh signal" and I wait. Twenty minutes later and nothing. Then I get a text asking if I'm satisfied? Ummm, No. Do you want a technician to call? Ummm, Yes! Ten minutes later, he calls. I can barely understand him. :baldy More customer service that's been outsourced to foreign country. Nothing against these workers, they're just doing a job, but still....

So, the Tech starts asking questions. I answer. Then he asks the same questions again. Look, nothing's has changed; I have no sound and no picture, but at the bottom of the screen, it shows all previous channels watched. Mr. Steve, are you sure your TV is plugged in? Ummm, yeah, if it wasn't, I wouldn't see the previous channels watched at the bottom of the screen. Mr. Steve, can you tell me what you see on the screen? Ummm, didn't I just tell you that? Mr. Steve, do you have any picture or sound? Ummm, no, that's why I called Xfinity. Mr. Steve, is your internet working? Yes. Is your TV working now? Ummm, no - have you done anything? Mr. Steve, I'm trying to understand what is the problem. Ummm, I HAVE NO TV PICTURE OR SOUND! Get me somebody else, I'm hanging up.

About 30 seconds later, he calls back. Mr. Steve, I'm trying to understand what is the problem with your TV. Ummm, look; I've told you what I can. You figure it out.

Finally, at 0310, all is well. He wants me to give him a 10 on the customer service review.
I bought a pair of AirPods from Amazon that I need to return. Never opened the box. Tried to arrange the return via the Amazon site but it kept telling me I had to "reset" the AirPods? Huh?! The site then directs me to videos about other products. So I end up in an automated chat that ends up directing me back to the "reset" page. Well hell.

So I start a second automated chat and force it into connecting me to a live person. As it turns out, the only way I can return an unopened box of AirPods is to deliver it -- in person -- to a UPS driver who will pick it up at my house. I'm not allowed to take it to a UPS store or an Amazon Whole Foods store. And I can't leave it on the porch. I must wait all day Monday to hand it to a driver. Clearly, Amazon doesn't want me to return the item. Bonus: The AirPods MUST be returned no later than Monday.

Note to self: Never EVER buy Apple products from Amazon.
Almost fell prey to a cult. I was going to church for about 5 weeks straight. It started off feeling warm and all that jazz. I was digging the atmosphere until I went to some other function the week before Easter. That is where the warmth ended and I got an awful feeling in my gut. The members in there also know who my ex is and they think she's Satan's mistress. She has been shunned by those "lovely" and "Christ-like" people. I made mention of the sky wizard and that's when things got heated. Yeah, I've been branded a heretic, an apostate, and all that supposedly awful stuff. I have a feeling as long as we live our lives like decent human beings, things will be fine.

I have never been one to blindly follow the herd. Even if that means being left on my own to fight my own battles. I'd rather be true to myself than let a bunch of people attempt to manipulate and fear monger me into submission. I've dealt with threats by the feds of serving 20 years in some federal installation. In the end those threats were simply threats to get me to submit. I didn't! That was way more frightening than religious damnation. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.

I'm no fan of the federal LE agencies and certainly not a fan of religious cults. It's a shame Trump has become like a messiah to that side. I get more out of the teachings of Alan Watts than I do with organized religion. I'm of the world. I will remain that way.
I bought a pair of AirPods from Amazon that I need to return. Never opened the box. Tried to arrange the return via the Amazon site but it kept telling me I had to "reset" the AirPods? Huh?! The site then directs me to videos about other products. So I end up in an automated chat that ends up directing me back to the "reset" page. Well hell.

So I start a second automated chat and force it into connecting me to a live person. As it turns out, the only way I can return an unopened box of AirPods is to deliver it -- in person -- to a UPS driver who will pick it up at my house. I'm not allowed to take it to a UPS store or an Amazon Whole Foods store. And I can't leave it on the porch. I must wait all day Monday to hand it to a driver. Clearly, Amazon doesn't want me to return the item. Bonus: The AirPods MUST be returned no later than Monday.

Note to self: Never EVER buy Apple products from Amazon.
That's wild.

Also, Amazon Whole Foods store? They have grocery stores now?
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