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- Week DJ_MI's Nightly Rides. I'm going to Detroit; wish me luck!

Do you mean along that stretch of road, Shelby Township, or Michigan in general?
I never spent any time in the U.P. so I can't comment on that but it seems like anywhere in SE Mich. the police are ready to pounce an any minor infraction of the traffic code. The State Police would set up road blocks they called "Safety Inspection" to check vehicle documents and operation of all vehicle systems. I got a written warning because my license plate light was not working with the promise I would be ticketed if I was caught after dark.
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I’ve lived here my whole life so I don’t know any different or how things are in other states. I have gotten to know what areas to be extra careful in though. As I’ve gotten older I get cut more slack. I’ll never forget the first time I got pulled over and the officer called me “sir”. :D

I’ve never heard of road block style inspections in my area. Where was that at?
Livingston Co., in the 1970's
We have stuff blowing up in Huntsville all the time. I live near Redstone Arsenal and they blow stuff up there a lot. It rattles the windows. Lately they have been testing Rocket engines and that can be felt and it is LOUD.
Gonna have to. Milk crate won't work since the bottom of the bike isn't even. Shops around here want between $500 and $1,000 for the job.
Ya my crash bar mount is what I used to lift the front.

I wanna bet your seal spring expanded with rust and put too much pressure on the wipers. Same thing happens with the quad seal in brake calipers. Except aluminum oxide. A northern truck frame can expand to almost 3x the thickness....
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